Cash For Your Car!
The Bureau of Automotive Repair's Consumer Assistance Program offers vehicle retirement to California vehicle owners wanting to sell their vehicles to the State of California.
The Vehicle Buy Back Program buys used vehicles from CA motorists. The program offers a flat $1500 to low income applicants, and $1000 to above income vehicle owners.
Your vehicle does not need to fail a smog check in order to be eligible for the Buy Back Program. You may apply for California's vehicle retirement program at any time, and for any reason; passing smog check or not.
The goal of the vehicle buy back program is to encourage the removal of older vehicles from California in order to replace them with newer less polluting transportation, in the forms of cleaner emission vehicles, electric cars, bike lanes, and mass transit.
You must first obtain and mail in a CAP application to the Bureau of Automotive Repairs. Upon receiving approval you will be directed to a CAP authorized dismantler to turn in your vehicle and receive payment.
Contact the California State Bureau of Automotive Repairs at (866) 272-9642 to have an application mailed.